WOW has it really been 10 years since me and Michel took the plunge?? Time has truly flown by. I can honestly say they have been the best 10 years I have experienced. So many exciting things have taken place since we said "I DO". We now have 4 beautiful children, I still can't believe I have 4. We have lived in 2 homes, and one not so great, cockroach infested apartment. Me and Michel have experienced many challenges along the way as well. We have lost 4 Grandparents, both my grandmas, as well as Michel's grandpas. But the hardest loss for me was the loss of my father 2 yrs ago. If it were not for Michel I could not have gotten through that dark and trying time in my life. He has been there for me every step of the way. He is an amazing father to the kids and supporter to me. I am grateful that I have been so blessed to have Michel in my life, here on earth and through the eternities. As I look back on our wedding pictures I still can clearly remember that day, I can also remember what it felt like to have a waist!! I am excited to see what the next 10 yrs will bring (hopefully in 10 yrs I will get my waist back). Michel I love you, You mean the world to me and the children. What more can I ask for, you are a hard worker which has allowed me to stay home with the kids and try to be the mother that I strive to be. Thank you for giving me all I have ever wanted and more.