Saturday, September 13, 2008


Looking at all the Frogs they found

Well the last few days Big Boy has taken up a new interest (of course so has Ashlyn). Any guesses? Yep with all the rain these last few days our backyard has been saturated with tons of baby frogs (at least 20 for right know). Now these frogs are the size of nickels if even that big and they are really quite cute. Michel goes out to the backyard in the morning and will just find the frogs hopping in the grass. We keep telling them they may not survive being held captive in a plastic bin but he gets so sad when we mention having to release them back into the wild. He loves these frogs and he has built quite a little fortress for them. Ashlyn has of course taken a liking to these frogs as well because as you should all know by now where ever Michel goes Ashlyn is not to far behind and at the mention of these frogs she gets all excited and runs to the backyard. Thanks to the rain for occupying my children with there new found love for frogs.

1 comment:

The Tenneys said...

We get so many frogs too but they get in the pool skimmer and Kevin has to get them out. It is gross!

My girls like the little frogs but they are scared of the huge ones.
I cant stand any of them!